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I am drawn to collage for reasons unknown to me. Within the past year I meticulously developed my own creative style and I religiously practice it. I make my artwork with haste, escaping from the world, I delve deep into my creative subconscious, taking inspiration from music and other media. When working, I do not have a mood or emotion I wish to express, yet my work shows passion and desire, drawing from happy emotions and expressions of my love for a certain person or style. I work with many different medias but I find collage works best for me. I love the freedom to be able to manipulate and obscure images that are already beautiful. Fashion magazines and blogs inspire me to dress the way I do and make the things I create, I am also heavily influenced by anything and everything through social media. I feel it is a beacon of inspiration and creativity that has yet been untapped. I am inspired daily from so many sources within social media, from an artists Twitter, to the look of a fashionable and powerful outfit on a Fashion Blog. Although I take the works of many artists into account I would have to say my favourite artists are Caroline Tomlinson, Jacob Kolding and Robert Rauschenberg. I use their work as a creative hub, drawing from their passion and the inspiring messages put forth from their work.



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